Since the beginning of the 2021 Year 12 student Joshua Lee has been collecting recyclable containers and exchanging them for cash under the ‘containers for change’ program.

The program allows the community to collect eligible containers (most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard drink containers), take them to a refund point and receive 10 cents for every eligible container.

With the refunds obtained, Joshua has been giving back by purchasing essential items for the less-privileged and needy, including Perth Homeless Support Group, Animal Rescue organisations, Care Bags and Little Things (providing care packages to children and babies in need).

He has been recently joined by Amber, friend and fellow Year 10 CVC student. Joshua and Amber have been diagnosed with Autism. Joshua’s mum explained that the containers for change program has created an opportunity to enable and empower independent living skills for people with disabilities. It allows Joshua to partake in meaningful experiences and give back to the community.

Well done to Joshua and Amber