About Us

At Canning Vale College, our staff are committed to our vision of ‘Creating Futures’ for every child. This is achieved when each child leaves with the knowledge, skills and values to transition to university, further training or employment. We believe our strong partnership with you, and your child, ensures we achieve this aim.

We are a large, comprehensive and modern secondary school catering for children from Years 7 to 12. Your child benefits from the variety of subject choices and resources, including specialist teachers and state of the art facilities offering the best chance of achieving at the highest level.

We consider your child’s care a team responsibility. Our dedicated Student Engagement and Support team includes a nurse, psychologist, chaplain, youth workers, and external support agencies. Our code of conduct and behaviour management policy supports our commitment to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all.

Personal pathway planning for each child aligns each child’s aspirations with their capability and results. Everyone in Years 7 to 10 study Maths, Science, English, Humanities and Social Sciences, Physical Education, with options to study Arts, Languages as well as Technology and Enterprise. Children in Years 11 and 12 have opportunities to choose a pathway focused on their chosen career. Our external relationships support and enrich the education opportunities provided.

Children with learning difficulties, disabilities or needing additional support are supported to achieve their very best.

We welcome you to visit our school. Our tours are conducted throughout the year and places can be reserved on this website.

Meeting the needs of our local community and our students is at the core of everything we do at Canning Vale College. Within our moral purpose, we believe “Every Child Matters” and we remain steadfastly committed to “Creating Futures” for the students of Canning Vale.

Through positive relationships with students, families, and community stakeholders we will strive to challenge, but equally walk alongside, all students in their personal journeys to meet their own unique learning potential. We support every student to engage, progress and develop themselves throughout their time at our college so that they can transition to their chosen post school options and contribute responsibly and positively to our community and 21st century society.

We have a rich history of producing successful graduates who contribute on local, national, and global spheres. We aim to be the school of choice in our local area. Our focus is to provide a safe and inclusive environment in which students can grow and be successful in all aspects of their lives. We provide strong pastoral care as well as high quality teaching and learning which results in successful post school destinations. We continue to build and maintain connections to our community and local networks, all of which enable us to understand our community and provide a well-rounded education to all students, creating the pre-conditions necessary for our students to achieve their most appropriate post school option.

I have worked as an educator since 1988 in metropolitan schools and regional schools from Metropolitan areas to the Southwest, Midwest and the Pilbara and have been involved in administrative roles since 1993 as a Head of Science, Associate Principal and Principal. My experience and commitment to the students of Canning Vale College, and indeed the experience and commitment of our entire staff, will help us to continue to build on the strengths of this College. I believe that every student has the potential to achieve their goals if properly supported and Canning Vale College will continue to support our students achieve their successful outcomes.

Dean Gurr – Principal
Canning Vale College