Students Try a Trade in Bricklaying & Carpentry

Students Try a Trade in Bricklaying & Carpentry

Last week 10 students in Year 9 & 10 attended Skill Hire for a 3 day Try-A-Trade in Bricklaying and Carpentry. They learnt all about constructing individual brick work piers, cleaning of tools & equipment, construction of low level walls between piers,...
Volleyball Team Success at Year 8 Zone Carnival

Volleyball Team Success at Year 8 Zone Carnival

Congratulations to our Year 8 students who competed in the Year 8 Zone Carnival last week! We had four teams compete in Volleyball, with one team winning all 12 games in the group stage. They then went on to win the Grand Final in the A Grade! 🥇🏐 Our other three teams...
Year 10 Science and Engineering Challenge

Year 10 Science and Engineering Challenge

In Week 3 this term a group of Year 10 students attended the Science and Engineering Challenge presented by the University of Newcastle. The day provided students the opportunity to participate in a range of hands-on science/engineering activities, competing against...


To celebrate, our HASS Department arranged a variety of activities for students to foster a greater awareness of the world around them, including a daily quiz, LEGO competition, ‘on this day in history’ quiz, and ANZAC Day poppy creations. The highlight...
2024 ANZAC Day Assembly

2024 ANZAC Day Assembly

Last Friday 26th April a commemorative assembly was held to pay tribute to the brave men and women who served our country. Our Year 7, 8, and 9 students gathered for a touching ceremony led by our Student Councillors and College Leaders. Student Keona Latiff shared...
StemSmart Digital Technologies Incursion

StemSmart Digital Technologies Incursion

Earlier this Term our Future Pathways Team organised the amazing Livina and Gabrielle from StemSmart to come in to Canning Vale College to work with some of our Year 9 and 10 Digital Technologies classes. Students participated in group discussions to investigate the...