Congratulations to our amazing aspiring lawyers who have competed in the Law Society’s mock trial competition at the old Supreme Court this year!

Our team have recorded two wins and one loss this year, and deserve a big congratulations for the hard work they have put into the competition this year. Every round involves many hours of preparation by the students. All this at the same time that they deal with an ATAR subject load and exams.

Please congratulate the following students on their efforts:

Samantha Herbert
Niyanta Akolkar
Cassandra Tang
Isabelle Minutillo
Nidhi Matta
Ariana Carot-Collins 
Lilah Kremer
Eva Carot-Colins

Special mention must go to Samantaha who always works hard in preparation for the competition, but last night took on the role of Barrister (the most demanding role in the competition) the night before her Modern History exam! Niyanta also needs to be acknowledged for her contribution over the last two years. She has been something of an unofficial captain this year.

We are very fortunate to have a volunteer coach – Conor McCavana, a lawyer from MinterEllison, who has been coaching our students through the competition for the last two years. The difference this makes to the teams chances of winning as well as to the amount they learn in preparation is enormous.

As further testament to the success of this competition we had three of the teams members from last year go on to study law at university after graduation.