Certificate II Students Abner and Kobi with Education Assistant Mrs Bingham

As part of their Certificate II in Hospitality students are required to complete service hours. A number of our students have been gaining these hours by assisting with the CVC Breakfast Club, serving toasted sandwiches to students who may have come to school without breakfast.

The CVC breakfast club runs from 8:00 to 8:30 outside GL13 Monday to Wednesday and is available to all students before school. It is run by our Education Assistants, with support provided by the College Chaplain our Certificate II Hospitality students.

The food is generously supplied by Foodbank WA (with bread generously supplied by parents or our local Woolworths). The Foodbank School Breakfast Program provides a nutritious breakfast for over 18,000 students every week, which is over 2.2 million serves a year. While soothing a rumbling tummy is the most immediate benefit, the impact on students, teachers and the community is far more profound than could be imagined when it began almost two decades ago, with links to capacity for learning, attitudes towards healthy eating and community engagement . The program also provides our Hospitality Students real world experience in preparing food and working on customer service skills.