Upper School (10-12)

The diversity of courses at Canning Vale College offers opportunities for young adults preparing for a range of post secondary pathways, including further education, training or employment. There is a strong focus on maintaining and enhancing our ethos which is to meet the needs of young adults.

Studying at the senior level allows students to take greater responsibility for their decisions. Additionally, courses require students to be self-directed in their study and organisation.

Year 10

The Year 10 Curriculum continues to develop broad educational knowledge and skills. Your child’s learning will be focused on the core Learning Areas of English, Humanities & Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science, and Physical & Health Education.

In addition, they will be given the opportunity of select three year-long electives from a range of subjects from the Learning Areas of Languages (LOTE), Humanities & Social Sciences, Physical Eduction, Technologies and The Arts. There are also a range of Specialist Programs available, please see the Specialist Programs menu above for further information.

Some of the options offered are:

Technologies: Food Specialisations, Materials & Technologies, Electronic Game Design, Webpage Design & Animation, ICT, Early Childhood Development, and Certificate II in Retail Services.
The Arts: Visual Arts, Visual Arts Extension Program (VAEP), Wearable Art & Fashion Design, Digital Art, Circus, Drama, Dance, Media Studies, and Certificate II in Music.
Humanities & Social Sciences: Exploring Business
Languages: Italian, Indonesian
Physical Education: Expedition Sport & Recreation

Please Note: Year 10 elective courses on offer will only run if they attract sufficient numbers. All electives attract COMPULSORY charges.

Year 11 & 12

Below are Canning Vale College Year 11 and Year 12 resources that contains information to help students understand the commitment required and help to decide which courses to study in Years 11 and 12. The options are many and the need for discussions with parents, teachers, counsellors and others is very important.

Parents/Guardians are an important part of this process as they provide the biggest single influence in a student’s choice of direction. Parents and students looking for guidance are encouraged to contact each Head of Learning Area. For further information please contact the VET, Careers & WPL team or visit the careers hub https://canning-vale-college.goodcareers.com.au/

The following resources for both parents and students, cover a range of education, training and work opportunities for school leavers:

Please note: Year 11 courses on offer will only run if they attract sufficient numbers. All Year 11 and 12 courses attract COMPULSORY charges.

Listed below are a variety of resources to assist in your subject selections: