What is FlexiTrack High?
FlexiTrack High is an award-winning enabling program run by Murdoch University for Year 12 Students. It provides a
pathway for aspiring students who may not be on track to achieve an ATAR. Students get the chance to gain essential skills
for University, whilst still studying at school.

How does it work?

  • FlexiTrack High works with the student’s year 12 school timetable,
  • Students take core units focussed on preparing them for academic success, and get to choose from electives in Health
    Professions, Education/Teaching or Criminology and Digital Media
  • Successful completion leads to the students attaining the equivalent to a 70 ATAR, and 4 WACE point

Is it affordable?

In recognition of the success and the benefit that students gain from participating in FlexiTrack High, Murdoch University is
keen to increase access to the program to all eligible students. For 2025 we have reduced the fees to $300. Students
experiencing financial difficulties or students from regionals and remote schools may be able to secure a place free of

Who can apply?
Current Year 11 Students can apply to commence in Year 12 applicants must be:

  • Completing Year 12 in 2025 at a partner school
  • Students not on track to receive an ATAR
  • Scoring B Grades in General English or English Literature (or D or higher in ATAR English or English Literature)
  • Applicants must be either an Australian Citizen, a Permanent Resident or holder of a Permanent Humanitarian Visa

What other support do the students receive?
Our aim is to build aspiration, and confidence in the students, to let them know that University is for them! Students get to
take part in large Uni Taster days, where they meet other FlexiTrack High Students, participate in real University activities
and hear what it’s like to study at University from our own students! In addition to this they have access to our Pathways
Officer, Gemma Phanupen, who helps them with anything from applications, course counselling, subject choice, and

Do other Universities accept FlexiTrack High?
Yes. Curtin, ECU and UWA all accept applications from FlexiTrack High Students, and Murdoch University accepts
applications from students who have studied enabling programs at the other universities.