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This week we recognised R U OK? Day with activities around mental health. 

The message for R U OK? Day 2021 is: “ARE THEY REALLY OK? Ask them today” This awareness is all about inspiring everyone to ask that simple but important question “Are you OK?” and start a conversation that could change a life. Sometimes it won’t be obvious that someone is struggling, but having the support of family, friends and close colleagues can help us better navigate the challenges that come our way. Don’t wait until someone is visibly distressed or in crisis to ask them how they’re really going. Make a moment meaningful and ask “are you OK?” Your conversation could change a life.

Our staff were treated to a R U OK? morning tea on Thursday, where they were able to check in on their colleagues. During session 3 students attended a Zero 2 Hero “Love Yourself- a guide to well-being” workshop in the PAC. In this workshop, students explored how nutrition, sleep, exercise, friendships and self-talk among others, play a vital role in supporting their own mental health.

Today our Year 7 and 8 students attended our RUOK exhibitions and activities on the Socrates lawn during Session 1 and 2.

Exhibitions involved Headspace, Youth Focus, Helping Minds, Act Belong Commit, Carers WA, City of Gosnells and Rebound WA. Activities for students included wheelchair basketball, volleyball, face painting, giant jenga and connect four, ping pong and colouring in. Thank you to our exhibitors for coming along and engaging with our students.