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Our cadets eased their way into the end of the school year with a camp to Point Peron.  With sing-a-longs to Justin Bieber and The Spice Girls, our cadets traveled by bus to the camp grounds where they set up their dorms and then gathered for a short tour of the facilities. 

On the first afternoon they participated in the Greatest Race, Point Peron style. They located sites and tested their teamwork skills.  After recording their findings they headed down to the beach for some challenges. They then spelt out Peron with their bodies and buried each others legs in the sand.  After fruit and cookies for afternoon tea, the challenge continued with tower building.  This version involved two team members being suspended by ropes while their teammates stacked milk crates beneath them.  The challenge was intense as each team raced against the clock to build their tower the tallest.  The winning team managed an impressive 15 cartons high (approx 5m). 

The evening ended with a well deserved dinner of lasagne. On day two, the crew gathered for cadet planning, followed by a walk to the beach.  Team Mulholland took a long walk around the track.  Team Gray collected shells and created sand art, and after lunch they showcased their archery skills.  The competition came down to a two team showdown, with many 8’s and 9’s being scored. 

Then the cadets also enjoyed orienteering, where they split into teams and tackled the red and green courses.  Their were 12 landmarks to locate and then answer a series of questions about the camp site.  They demonstrated excellent teamwork and mapping skills before enjoying a short circuit of the obstacle course then retiring for dinner.

The cadets surprised Mr Davies with a thank you card for organising the camp, as they has lots of fun, and the cadets showed excellent collaboration and planning skills during the camp – a great way to finish of the year.